Project Introduction

HoverCraft is an innovative multiplayer sandbox simulation game where players construct their own modular hovercrafts to explore a sprawling open world. The game fuses creativity and exploration with strategy and survival.

The gameplay hinges on the limitless customization options for constructing hovercrafts. These crafts, with diverse functionalities, allow players to traverse vast landscapes, mine and trade resources, and build up bases. The base building involves a strategic component where players must also defend their bases, adding a deeper layer of engagement to the game.

Unreal Engine 5's advanced capabilities underpin the game's expansive and dynamic environments, offering stunning visuals and long-distance gameplay. The game also supports the creation of large player-made structures and cities, thus enhancing the immersion factor.

HoverCraft is designed to be a player-driven experience, from the user-generated content to the active solicitation of player feedback to shape the development process. This approach is in line with the ultimate vision for the game - to create a metaverse where every object is placed with a purpose by players and the world is bustling with NPCs following their routines.

About Developer

I am a solo developer with over 15 years of experience in the gaming industry. My portfolio includes multiple games developed for various platforms, including iOS, Android, Kongregate, and Core. My expertise lies in backend systems, game and web applications.

HoverCraft is a testament to my passion for creating unique, player-driven experiences. As a German developer, my work is deeply intertwined with the local indie games scene. This game draws inspiration from the creativity and innovation that embodies the German indie game development community. My aim is to contribute to this scene by pushing the boundaries of what's possible in sandbox simulation games and fostering a vibrant community of players around HoverCraft.