Project Introduction
It's a mashup of so many genres I still find it hard to sell. What I have done, in essence, is taking all the parts of games that moved me the most and put them together in a way so they reinforce each other.At its core we have base building similar to maybe settlers. But to give the city a purpose we use the produced goods to supply our defense. That part is maybe most similar to vampire survivors. There are lots of units to tactically set up and survive until the night. The better the food we made in the city, the more our units level and can defend us.
On top of that we have the roguelite loop hero system. You explore a world, get to meet characters, expand your village to a city, unlock more starting resources, units, relics and so on. Many games use these mechanics only to increase playtime or because its popular. But for use here comes everything together.
Because for the base building part we normally have the problem that you only play one big round of settlers or anno, master one strategy and move on. But with the loop and by accelerating the starting position we can make different strategies viable in different parts of progression. You always get there a little bit faster. The evolution and optimization of your build order go hand in hand. ""Like speed running yourself"" a YouTuber called it.
And for the defense part it means that all these different units we have must be tried out and mastered. It invites you to experiment instead of looking up a guide. There are over a thousand pokemon, but you just use six of them. Here I wanted the opposite where every unit is an important tool in your arsenal.
And lastly we have the story. It works like in Hades and is told in very small blips throughout the runs. You get to know an assemble of characters and uncover why the world always resets. It knows its place in this very gameplay heavy game, but uses that to its advantage.
The pixel style is very readable of purpose. Both base management and combat happen automatically. That is so you can only concentrate on the very long lasting decisions you make. Having all decisions really matter was very important for me. There are no filler or fake decisions if that makes sense. There's only macro and almost no micro, also enforcing the tactical nature of the game.
I've covered the game very little, but I think you'll get that in minutes when playing. It was more important to me that you understand why the game is like that.
About Developer
"I am Feryaz Beer (31) from Hannover. This is my first project ever made in a year. Have been working in software dev before, but self taught and never studied it.It was also made in complete isolation without any feedback. I had one tester before releasing the compactly unbalanced demo. Just because I was invited to TactiCon - not because it was ready in my eyes.
I hoped for a few testers and now I'm at #280 of wishlist's 5 weeks later. With a big community that helps me so much. The demo is translated into 7 languages and has a professional wiki. I still cannot believe any of it. I feel like I hit gold by accident.
But that also means I had no connection to the German indie scene at all. But now I went to a conference and got to know a few more online. Feel very welcomed there."