Project Introduction

In Map Map you are the cartographer of a crew of adventurers searching for a legendary lost treasure. You travel to various islands, always carrying a very basic map, that is only showing the outline of this island. Your own position is not marked on the map. You get tasked to find locations on the island and then pinpoint them as accurately as possible on the map. You are only using the environment and different tools to orientate yourself. Completing your tasks unlocks clues that get you closer and closer to the hidden treasure. You will learn more about your companions' stories and individual personalities as you progress in the game. Over the course of your journey you will meet new companions who will join your crew.

About Developer

We are a young, ambitious and mostly female-lead studio from Hamburg that includes our four founding members and two external team members. We have been working together for 2 years now and are very passionate about our project 'Map Map - A Game About Maps'. Combining our different skill sets and previous industry experience, we focus on developing light-hearted, humorous games that feature creative and unique mechanics. We value the indie community a lot and can be found on most networking events of the local community.