Древняя Русь хранит свои сказки. Легенды и предания, о которых не рассказывают детям, живут в глубине темного Леса, откуда приходят по вечерам и куда уходят с рассветом. Но что будет, если кто-то захочет изменить порядок вещей?

Ощутите на себе груз проклятия, дающего великие силы. Измените мир или изменитесь сами. Бросьте вызов древним существам и ожившим мифам — и сами решите, какой конец будет у вашей сказки.

Project Introduction

Ancient Rus keeps its tales. The legends and traditions concealed from children dwell in The Dark Wood. They come as darkness falls and leave with the first light. But what if somebody wants to alter the order of things?
Feel the heavy burden of curse which gives you fierce powers. Change the world or change yourself. Defy elder creatures and myths came to live. It’s up to you to decide which end will have your tale/ how your tale ends.

About Developer

Now we have 10 people in the team.

Vyacheslav Vyshegorodsky. Narrative designer. Responsible for the plot and building up the narrative team.

Dmitry Poznyakov. Lead Concept artist. Responsible for the visual style of the game.

Vladimir Matsal. Founder of the project and game-designer. Responsible for the core idea of the game and managing the work inside the team.

My little studio.Outsource studio. Responsible for the programming part of the game. Worked on The Epic, REDBOX and FIRE RUN.