Мы создали мобильную игру в жанре tower defense по мотивам “Осмосис Джонс”: защищаем организм от бактерий и вирусов!

Более 40 персонажей, каждого можно проапргрейдить, тысячи тактических комбинаций, 60 злобных врагов и бесконечное веселье!

Project Introduction

We have created a mobile tower defense game based on Osmosis Jones: defending the body from bacteria and viruses!

Over 40 characters, each can be upgraded, thousands of tactical combinations, 60 vicious enemies and endless fun!

About Developer

There are only two of us in the team: Maxim and Platon. Platon is in charge of development, Maxim is in charge of game design.

Platon has developed several games both as an indie developer and as part of a studio. For Maxim, this is his first experience in game development, he has experience as a product manager in IT.