Старые 8 битные танчики в 3Д.
Идея в том, что бы повторить классические уровни игры как тренировочный полигон трех танкистов в армии, после предполагаются нововведения и изменения механик игры. Дать возможность пользователю создать свою карту и поделиться ею с друзьями или сыграть в вместе с другом. Сюжет тоже можно играть вдвоем.
Вернуть в детство 35-летних мужиков.
Project Introduction
Old 8 bit tanks in 3D.The idea is to repeat the classic levels of the game as a training ground for three tankers in the army, after which innovations and changes in the mechanics of the game are supposed. Allow the user to create his own card and share it with friends or play with a friend. The story can also be played together.
Return 35-year-old men to childhood.
About Developer
Alexander, Kyiv.I played and play a lot. Always programmed something.
Thanks to EPIC-games, I got a free game every week until I found the Unreal Engine tab
Further, a series of successful matches:
- on YouTube, a good course of UA on creating an online game;
- Blender, how to create a tank, exporting a model from blender to UE;
- a little free time and desire;
I make the game for my own pleasure and free time.