The Case of the Golden Idol is a wryly amusing detective game set in the 18th century, brought to life with striking hand-drawn artwork. The game tests your ability to piece together clues and reconstruct the events leading up to some mysterious deaths.

Gameplay flow

  1. Explore hand-drawn locations set in the 18th century, where some mysterious deaths have taken place.
  2. Gather verbal evidence and visual clues, then apply your deduction skills to figure out what actually happened and how each victim died.
  3. Start revealing a larger overarching story that connects all the individual tales.


Project Introduction

The Case of the Golden Idol is a wryly amusing detective game set in the 18th century, brought to life with striking hand-drawn artwork. The game tests your ability to piece together clues and reconstruct the events leading up to some mysterious deaths.

Gameplay flow

  1. Explore hand-drawn locations set in the 18th century, where some mysterious deaths have taken place.

  2. Gather verbal evidence and visual clues, then apply your deduction skills to figure out what actually happened and how each victim died.

  3. Start revealing a larger overarching story that connects all the individual tales.


About Developer

The studio was founded in 2021 by two brothers Andrejs and Ernests to chase the dream of creating innovative games that also attempt to be financially viable.

Andrejs Klavins (coding, content, marketing) co-founded and led video game studio Next Level in 2010 which
published over 10 social network and mobile games in Latvia. Ernests Klavins (art, content) has spent the last 15 years making various art game projects and has built and published a Steam game Adventuring Gentleman.