Молодой парень меняется местами с существом с другой планеты Земля 2. Новый мир опасен и полон тайн. Сможет ли он выжить и сохранить рассудок? Что ждет его впереди? Как вернуться домой?

ГГ “очухивается” в незнакомом мире с отсутствующими частями тела.  Необходимо выполнять задания торговца добывать ресурсы обменивать на валюту, прокачивать тело и решая загадки искать путь домой.

Project Introduction

A young guy changes places with a creature from the planet Earth 2. The new world is dangerous and full of secrets. Can he survive and keep his sanity? What lies ahead? How to get home?

The main character wakes up in an unfamiliar world with missing body parts. It is necessary to perform the tasks of the merchant to extract resources by exchanging them for currency, upgrade the body and solve puzzles to find his way home.

About Developer

We are located in Irkutsk, Russia. We are the IT educational center "School of Programming and Electronics CSS". At the school, "Riman Programming Studio" has been launched. We are engaged in software development, mobile applications, websites, games, production of animation and video clips.

The GameDev direction is considered a priority. At the moment we are working on realization of 4 games and 5 more are waiting for their turn. For the competition, we would like to present 3 of them. We are looking for publishers, sponsors, and promotion partners. 9 to 11 grade students actively participate in the development of games.

Our team: product manager, gameplay programmer, front-end programmer and animation artist.

The idea and the content are original and created by our staff.