Sacrificial Lighthouse — это небольшая, но атмосферная история, которая вряд ли оставит вас равнодушным.

Вы играете за девочку Майю, оказавшуюся на странном острове с маяком во время шторма. Что это за странное место? Как и почему вы сюда попали?

Осмелитесь ли вы узнать правду и какую жертву готовы принести ради неё?


  • Психологическая история-триллер с элементами квеста.
  • Великолепная рисованная 2D графика и 2D анимация.
  • Атмосферное музыкальное сопровождение.
  • Игра с нагнетающим сюжетом, вырвет ваше сердце из тела, оставив после себя зияющую пустоту безысходности.

Вам будет о чем задуматься во время прохождения игры, а разветвленный финал заставит осознать последствия выбора, который мы совершаем каждый день.


Project Introduction

Sacrificial Lighthouse is a small but atmospheric story that won’t leave you indifferent.
You play as a girl named Maya, who finds herself on a strange island with a lighthouse during a storm. What is this strange place? How and why did you get here?
Do you dare to find out the truth and what you are willing to sacrifice for it?

- Psychological story-thriller with quest elements.
- Gorgeous hand-drawn 2D graphics and 2D animations.
- Atmospheric musical score.
- A game with an overwhelming storyline that will crush your heart, leaving behind a gaping void of hopelessness.

You will have something to think about as you progress through the game, and the branched finale will make you realize the consequences of the choices we make every day.

About Developer

At first there was nothing and darkness flew over the earth...

Hey! -_^ We are PhobiaGamesNet.

OgnePtaX is our restless, narrative designer, spine animator and project manager.
Puba24 is our talented and hardworking concept artist and animator.
AHPyXA is our patient and tireless programmer, devops.
TorquoiseHex - participated as a composer in the creation of Sacrificial Lighthouse despite all of the above =D

One day we all got together to participate in the Adventurous Game Jam for two weeks where we had to make a game. And we made it, as well as winning the jam!

Now we want to fix all the flaws in this game and release it to the world.

Of course, we have plans for new games and we even have some basic groundwork for some! But first we need to complete the current project, so that we have mental and time related resources.