Rushout — игра для ленивых геймеров. Это динамичный и забавный 3D платформер с шутерной механикой и физикой в стиле регдолл.

Здесь нет замудреного сценария, но есть простой геймплей и смешной подсказчик — просто пройди все уровни, займи первые строчки рейтинга и получишь реальный приз! То, что нужно, чтоб легко отвлечься от ежедневной рутины и получить порцию позитива!

Преимущества и особенности

  1. Сингл плеер — нет кучи малы из игроков. Вся красота графики и всё удовольствие полностью принадлежат только тебе.
  2. Простой геймплей — не нужно сильно напрягаться, вникать в заумный сложный сценарий, просто расслабься и получай удовольствие от своей меткости, ловкости. 
  3. Физика регдолл — у нее сейчас много фанатов и она набирает обороты. Даже если проиграешь и упадешь — это будет весело!
  4. Каждый уровень подарит тебе новые эмоции, новое оружие, забавных врагов и боссов-монстров.
  5. Стань лучшим — набери больше всех очков, установи рекорд прохождения и получи интересный приз и новый игровой статус Стим и другие достижения.
  6. Настрой облик своего героя как тебе нравится. Будь строителем или курицей, ниндзей с головой свиньи или байкером. Всё зависит от твоего настроения сегодня!


Project Introduction

Rushout is a game for lazy gamers. It's a fast-paced and addicting 3D platformer with shooter mechanics and ragdoll physics.

There is no tricky scenario, but there is simple gameplay and a funny hinter - just go through all the levels, take the best rating and get a real prize! All you need to easily escape from everyday stress and get a dose of positivity! [P.S. Beware of crazy chickens!]



  1. Single player - no crowd of players. All the beauty of the graphics and all the pleasure belongs entirely to you

  2. Simple gameplay - no need to strain too much, just relax and enjoy your precision and agility

  3. Ragdoll physics - now it has a lot of fans. Even if you lose and fall, it will be fun!

  4. Each dream level provides a new environment, different obstacle mechanics, new enemies, new transformations of the hero, new weapons and new Monster Boss.

  5. Become the best - score more points, set a record and get an interesting prize and a new game status on Steam and other achievements.

  6. Your Hero is yours to customise. With outfits from builder to hen, skydiver, miner, tiger, astronaut and ninja. Choose your head, face, upper and lower body and get creative with the colours!


Rushout Workshop

Later, I will open the workshop and the players themselves will be able to create many items.

About Developer

My name is Ilya. I am a game developer. I am an Architect, designer by profession, after University I was engaged in web design, interiors.

First, I studied Unreal for creating interiors, learned how to work with lighting and building light. Then I studied the Unreal sequencer, made video movies and animations. I was very fascinated by the possibilities of Unreal Engine, and I began to create games. Now I am in game development for around 4 years.

I have done many projects for customers, but I always wanted to create my own game. At first it was the Twin Blast project (see the very first video on the channel), but then, following the trends in the gaming world, I decided to create a game that is easier for the player and developer. This is Rushout. And there is already a sketch for a future project (see the video on the channel).

Different ideas for different games are constantly spinning in my head, gamedev has completely absorbed me and I like it! 😎
Many narratives, obstacles, mechanics are invented for the game by my 8 year old son, he also really likes gamedev, he has already created 3 small games of his own. Generation next! 💪
That's why I named myself PapaCubec. Papa means dad, Cubec is my old nickname.