Project Introduction

REAVER is a MOVEMENT shooter

Fly off your own recoil! REAVER offers you the tools to keep moving, and your movement skills decides what you can survive. Grappling hooks, Tether beams, Slamming, Recoil-boosting, Crouch-sliding... and many more options. Discover movement tech with experimentation



Crowd-control with a black-hole, lob a grenade, then shoot it. REAVER grants you a large arsenal of weaponry. Alone, they fulfill roles in combat. Together, their unique mechanics give room to skill-expression and efficiency. REAVER lets you carry 4 types of weapons: Revolvers, Shotguns, Machine-guns and Artillery. Each with unique mechanics and potential combos.



Revolver Ultimate Ability: HEADSHOT CHAIN. Some weapons have abilities and ultimates that cost mana. Kill to gain mana. In the middle of combat, decide what's worth ulting and which ult fits the situation– all in a split second, or your own pace. You decide how fast, efficient, methodical or stylish your rampage is.

About Developer

We are a group of 3 friends who just want make a game that we would be love to play ourselves.