QuestTale – история про мальчика и его друзей, которые столкнуться с мистическими силами и недоверием взрослых. Герои узнают, что древние легенды и сказки оживут и только вместе переборов все свои страхи они смогут противостоять древнему злу.

Project Introduction

QuestTale - A story about a boy and his friends who encounter mystical forces and mistrust from adults. The heroes learn that ancient legends and fairy tales will come to life and only together will they be able to overcome all their fears and confront the ancient evil.

About Developer

My name is Sergey Popov. More than 15 years in game industry. Last year I gathered Exo404 team and our project QuestTale (working name) - our first product as a team. Of course, before that there were many successful and unsuccessful projects.

Now we have 3 people in our team: myself, a 3D artist and a coder. We are located in Yakutsk.

The project is still at an early stage. I would like to get more feedback from experienced players. Tips on how to develop the company and establish connections.