Он потерял всю семью, не осознавая того, что его ждет. Сможет ли отец спасти свою жену, дочку и собаку. Что ждет его в двух измерениях сразу? ГГ, благодаря своему псу успевает получить костюм для перемещения между измерениями. Теперь используя этот костюм ему необходимо спасти всю свою семью, оберегая при этом свои лампочки-жизни. На пути будут попадаться разные монстры с уникальным набором особенностей.

Project Introduction

Inexplicably, he lost his entire family in one day, without realizing what was waiting for him. Can a father save his wife, daughter, and dog? What awaits him in two dimensions at once? The main character, thanks to his dog, manages to get a suit to move between them. Now, using this suit, he needs to save his entire family, while protecting his light bulbs-lives. On the way, you will come across different monsters with a unique set of features.

About Developer

We are located in Irkutsk, Russia. We are the IT educational center "School of Programming and Electronics CSS". At the school, "Riman Programming Studio" has been launched. We are engaged in software development, mobile applications, websites, games, production of animation and video clips.

The GameDev direction is considered a priority. At the moment we are working on realization of 4 games and 5 more are waiting for their turn. For the competition, we would like to present 3 of them. We are looking for publishers, sponsors, and promotion partners. 9 to 11 grade students actively participate in the development of games.

Our team: product manager, programmer and animation artist.

The idea and the content are original and created by our staff.