Мобильная аркада.

Основная механика была позаимствована из игры Stack Attack, которую мы постепенно развиваем, благо потенциал у неё безграничен. Необходимо уворачиваться от ящиков, в последствии сортируя их. Очень простое управление и динамичный геймплей, над которым мы всё ещё работаем, чтобы добиться не надоедающего и уникального опыта у игрока.

Project Introduction

Mobile arcade.

The main gameplay mechanics were borrowed from the Stack Attack game, which we are gradually developing, since its potential is endless. It is necessary to dodge the boxes, subsequently sorting them. Very simple controls and dynamic gameplay, which we are still working on to achieve a non-annoying and unique experience for the player.

About Developer

The team consists of 2 people. Our journey began a year ago. Although we do not have a lot of experience and the composition is not large, we try to do it as efficiently as possible, making every effort. We really want to develop in the video games industry.