Жанр: adventure
Платформа: PC, Switch

Игра описывает один день из жизни Ханны. Ханна – современная девушка 19 лет, терзающаяся от нереализации и отсутствия понимания и поддержки родителей. Выступление с группой на небольшом музыкальном конкурсе поможет обрести уверенность в своих силах. Для этого ей необходимо найти своих друзей в городе и уговорить их выступить вместе.

Игра о том, как обрести уверенность в себе и справиться с внутренними проблемами.

Project Introduction

This adventure game is about one day of Hannah`s life. Hannah is a modern 19-year-old girl, tormented by unrealization. She has lack of understanding and support from her parents. Performing with the band at a small music competition will help her gain confidence in her abilities. To do this, she needs to find her friends in the city and persuade them to perform together.

The game is about how to gain self-confidence and overcome internal problems.

About Developer

Initially we were a small team of professionals and experienced Unreal Engine 4 users, especially in cinematics and previses creation. At the beginning of 2018 we gathered for a one time major project The Invasion, but soon decided to keep our great team and continue to explore our capabilities.

For the next couple of years we mastered developing movie scenes, camera settings and stage-settings of any complexity. We built a pipeline for producing digital characters in UE4 and developed numerous solutions for procedural face animation - all from scratch. We are highly experienced in motion capture, not just the human body motion capture, but also horses or pretty much anyone else. We applied motion capture in our game as well, to make the characters much more realistic and natural.

There are plenty of students and graduates of the Art and Design School (Higher School of Economics) amongst us. Game design became their profession and passion. We enhance and support such creative collaborations at WATT Studio.

We are 28 people who each contribute their soul to the project!

Our location is Moscow.