Затерянные земли – одиночная приключенческая RPG, которая проведет вас от заснеженных локаций, до морского порта, не пропустив при этом подземелья, сражения, задания, поиски предметов и решение загадок.


Проработанный сюжет на базе дневника, который ведет вас на протяжении всей игры и рассказывает о событиях, на которых основана история. При этом сообщения подаются ненавязчиво (в виде всплывающих подсказок), что в свою очередь позволяет охватить разностороннюю аудиторию (от игроков которые просто хотят поиграть, до игроков которые полностью хотят погрузится в игровой мир Затерянных земель).

Особенности игры

– Адаптивная система прокачки: персонаж обучается новым умениям и имеет возможность развивать класс/классы в зависимости от снаряжения и тем, кем он видит себя в игре – воином, разбойником, магом.

– Локации, выполненные с тщательным вниманием к деталям. Начните путешествие по заснеженным просторам, заходите в подземелья, дойдите до морского порта, встречайте попутчиков и врагов, выполняйте задания, с каждым новым шагом приближаясь к выполнению основной цели заложенной в сценарий игры.

– Диалоги. Ведите максимальный разговор с персонажами Затерянных земель, так как от этого зависит на сколько в дальнейшем изменится ситуация в игровом мире.

– Торговля позволяет не только приобрести подходящие товары, но и продать уже ненужный товар тем самым заработать золотые, так необходимые в процессе игры. У торговцев встречаются эксклюзивные товары, доступны только в гильдии торговцев.

– Исследуйте мир, ведь уникальные ресурсы могут быть спрятаны в потаенных уголках Затерянных земель.

Project Introduction

The Lost Lands is a single-player RPG adventure that takes you from snow-covered locations to the seaport without missing out on dungeons, battles, quests, hidden objects and riddles.

Main concept

A detailed plot based on a diary that guides you throughout the game and tells about the events on which the story is based. At the same time, messages are presented unobtrusively (in the form of pop-up tips), which in turn allows you to reach a diverse audience (from players who just want to play, to players who want to completely immerse themselves in the game world of the Lost Lands).

Features of the game

- Adaptive pumping system: the character learns new skills and has the opportunity to develop the class / classes depending on the equipment and who he sees himself in the game - a warrior, a robber, a magician.
- Atmospheric locations made with meticulous attention to detail. Start your journey across the snowy expanses, enter the dungeons, reach the seaport, meet fellow travelers and enemies, complete tasks, with each new step approaching the fulfillment of the main goal laid down in the game scenario.
- Dialogues. Conduct maximum conversation with the characters of the Lost Lands, as this determines how much the situation in the game world will change in the future.
- Trading allows you not only to purchase suitable goods, but also to sell already unnecessary goods, thereby earning gold, so necessary in the course of the game. Merchants have exclusive goods that are available only in the merchant guild.
- Explore the world, because unique resources can be hidden in the hidden corners of the Lost Lands.

About Developer

For six months, the project was run by one person, where I prepared the script, began to create basic mechanics and create prototypes of game locations.

Friends helped with testing. Later he was noticed on the Zero Bit discord, where he received a separate section in which he began to keep a developer diary, which allowed increasing the number of testers, forming a small team of four people and getting several exclusive 3D models for the project. The project expanded and also received its own section on the CYBERSTARS discord.

All this was the result of a more detailed game world with a fairly large set of mechanics. Youtube channel became not just a developer's diary, where regularly published videos explained innovations, but also a platform for preparing lessons on the Unreal Engine.

The project is made on Unreal Engine 4. In the future, we are going to switch to Unreal Engine 5 and create a multiplatform project. After all, the history of the Lost Lands is just beginning ...

At the moment, the goals of the team are to popularize the early version of the project, search for sources of funding in order to accelerate the development of the project and implement the remaining ideas.
Testing of the project continues from version to version, bugs are fixed, which is extremely important for the formation of a full-fledged playable project, regular work is underway on current and new locations, new mechanics are added, new tasks are added, the number of items participating in the game world is increasing.