Knock on the coffin lid — карточный рогалик, где главному герою предстоит пройти долгий путь, каждый раз сталкиваясь со сложностями выбора: какую выбрать дорогу на пути к цели? Помочь гномам уничтожить эльфийский идол или пройти мимо? Довериться ли огромному орку? Какую карту оставить в колоде? Любой выбор, как и его последствия, всегда зависят только от игрока и его решений.

В KOTCL более 50 разных событий, которые могут пойти на пользу игроку, или серьезно усложнить оставшуюся игру.

В награду за квесты или удачный бой игрок получает ценную добычу, которая влияет на боевую мощь героя. На данный момент в игре присутствует более 150 уникальных предметов снаряжения, которые  влияют на игровой процесс.

В Knock on the coffin lid:

  • 12 боссов
  • 2 hardcore босса
  • 4 биома со своими уникальными обитателями и конфликтами
  • более 150 карт доступны для построения колод
  • более 50 обычных и 20 элитных противников
  • более 6 сетов предметов, чтобы сделать своего героя еще сильнее

Project Introduction

Knock on the coffin lid is a roguelike card game where the main character has a long way to go, each time faced with the difficulties of choosing: which way to choose on the way to the goal? Help the dwarves destroy the elven idol or walk by? Should you trust a huge orc? Which card should you keep in the deck? Any choice, as well as its consequences, always depend only on the player and his decisions.

KOTCL has over 50 different events that can benefit the player or seriously complicate the rest of the game.

As a reward for quests or a successful battle, the player receives valuable loot, which affects the combat power of the hero. At the moment, the game has over 150 unique items of equipment that affect the gameplay.

In Knock on the coffin lid:

  • 12 bosses

  • 2 hardcore bosses

  • 4 biomes with their own unique inhabitants and conflicts

  • over 150 cards available to build decks

  • more than 50 normal and 20 elite opponents

  • over 6 sets of items to make your hero even stronger



About Developer

Redboon team is made up of game fans and geeks, inspired by the idea of ​​making the game "like for yourself", started work with enthusiasm, ambition and drive. But our team didn’t manage to embrace the immensity, alas.

In the spring of 2020, RedBoon left some of its employees, but we did not give up, continued to work, and in September Knock on the coffin lid became one of the winners of the Indie CUP, the largest competition for indie games in Eastern Europe, in the Critics' Choice nomination.

In December 2020, we planned to launch a full release of KOTCL. But the spring outflow of staff and
gamedesigner's leaving slowed down our development a lot.

Now the dramas are finally over and our team has entered a leisurely, regular rhythm of development. Continuing to move towards the planned release in small steps. Fully feeling responsibility to the players who believe in us and support us.