Faces is a story about an ordinary girl who find herself in the middle of mystical and tragical events. She realized that she is the reason of possible end of days but also she is the one who can prevent it.

Faces is like Valiant Hearts, also has a good storyline, but not so casual, more about puzzles, arcade and other fun mechanics, secrets, mini-games etc. Faces is a narrative adventure game with puzzle and action mechanics where a player controls as positive so negative characters in different chapters.

Project Introduction

Faces is a story about an ordinary girl who find herself in the middle of mystical and tragical events. She realized that she is the reason of possible end of days but also she is the one who can prevent it.

Faces is like Valiant Hearts, also has a good storyline, but not so casual, more about puzzles, arcade and other fun mechanics, secrets, mini-games etc. Faces is a narrative adventure game with puzzle and action mechanics where a player controls as positive so negative characters in different chapters.

About Developer