Decision: Red Daze — уникальная смесь изометрической Action/RPG с элементами симулятора выживания и башенной защиты. В борьбе за жизнь тебе предстоит собрать отряд умельцев с разным набором навыков. Вместе с ними ты будешь исследовать пустошь в поисках пищи, боеприпасов и различных видов оружия и брони, которые необходимы для защиты поселений. Ты никогда не сможешь до конца расслабиться, ведь угроза всегда на пороге. Поведение врагов меняется в зависимости от времени суток. Ночью монстры просыпаются и начинают охоту — на тебя. Единственный способ выжить — захватывать поселения и укреплять их с помощью турелей и отпугивателей (новое изобретение, которое не подпускает лихорадку).


  • Тебя ждет уникальная смесь Action/RPG, симулятора выживания и башенной защиты, где не выжить без продуманной стратегии.
  • Враги ведут себя по-разному днем и ночью, и под это придется подстраиваться.
  • Участником команды может стать любой житель пустоши, так что пополняй команду новыми выжившими. У всех солдат различные классы и навыки, которые можно развивать.
  • Сокрушай врагов самым разным смертоносным оружием, которое можно создавать.
  • Захватывай поселения людей, которые находишь во время исследований. Улучшай их, чтобы они смогли отбиваться от полчищ врагов каждую ночь.

Project Introduction

Decision: Red Daze is an isometric action RPG with a unique blend of survival and tower defense mechanics. In this life-or-death journey, you will gather a squad of survivors who specialize in different skills and lead them into the wasteland to find food, ammo, and a wide variety of formidable weapons and armor that can be used to defend your settlements. You will never feel safe enough, as danger is always knocking at the door. Enemies will behave differently in the day/night cycle. During the night, monsters wake up and hunt for you, their prey. The only means of survival is to capture new settlements and strengthen them with turrets and Repellers (a new technology to keep the Daze away).


  • Enjoy a unique blend of action RPG, survival, crafting, and tower defense where a good strategy is a key to staying alive.

  • Adapt your playstyle to a day/night cycle that affects your enemies’ behavior.

  • Anyone in the wasteland is a potential hero for you to control, so expand your team of survivors with new recruits. Every soldier has their own class, skills, and expertise for you to master.

  • Mow down your enemies with a huge selection of lethal weapons that you will be able to craft journey after journey.

  • Find, capture, and upgrade the human settlements you find along the way, so they can defend themselves against the hordes of enemies that will besiege them every night.

About Developer

FlyAnvil is an independent game development team. Our development team is currently comprised of two brothers who are childhood fans of computer-based gaming. One is the Lead Programmer and the other works as the Lead Artist. We are a pair of hard-working and committed independent game developers who form the game development company known as FlyAnvil.

As the sole developers at FlyAnvil, we are responsible for the software code, visual content, art, sound, and design that goes into all of our projects. At the beginning of our creative career, we used to create small Flash games that could be played for free on all the relevant gaming portals. We have been developing games since 2009.

Furthermore, the Decision Series has been given many awards for its continually remaining a highly rated game. In 2020 we were joined by guys who formed a team of screenwriters. The Decision universe has now been given a detailed description of the game world and lots of interesting backstories for the new game!