Своё начало Cosmic Collapse берёт в 2018-м году, когда за идею было взято – сделать игру для людей, которые хотят отдохнуть с геймпадом в руках не напрягая мозг и психику…

И поскольку изначально игра планировалась, как пародия на жанр космических симуляторов времён аркадных автоматов, а в последствии сильно переросла в самостоятельную игру, то бонусные уровни, которые так или иначе спародированы  с этих самых аркадных автоматов, а так же домашних приставок и прочего, привносят некую фичу в игру. При этом, игрок волен сам выбирать, хочет он проходить бонусный уровень или нет. Игра этому не обязывает.

В игре Cosmic Collapse каждый найдёт для себя что-то весёлое или ностальгическое… если, конечно же, хорошенько поискать 😉

Project Introduction

Cosmic Collapse takes its origin in 2018, with an idea to make a game for people who want to relax with a gamepad in their hands without straining their brain and psyche... But, as usually happens in such stories, something went wrong! Each time something was reworked, something new was added or an old one was improved... as a result, the game went far from the original visual and basic idea.

And since the game was originally planned as a parody of the genre of space simulators of the times of arcade machines, and later strongly developed into an independent game, the bonus levels, which are somehow parodied from these very arcade machines, as well as home consoles and other things, bring some feature in the game. At the same time, the player is free to choose whether he wants to pass the bonus level or not. The game does not oblige this.

In the game Cosmic Collapse, everyone will find something fun or nostalgic for themselves... if, of course, do a good look ;)

About Developer

REX PEX GAMES is an indie studio with just one person and a couple of cats.

My games are developed not in the office, but in a lamp home environment, between my main job and the university, which allows me to properly distribute my own physical and mental resources :)

I am in sunny Berdyansk on the shore of the warm Sea of Azov, where I invite everyone with pleasure!