Мультяшно-минималистичный 2d шутер с постройкой зданий на генерируемой карте. Есть 2 режима игры – кампания и режим выживания. Есть разблокируемые улучшения и объекты для генерации карт.


Великая Звезда уничтожена. Мир погрузился во тьму отчаяния и бесконечных войн за обладание волшебными осколками упавшими на землю после Алого Звездопада. Но один из осколков оказался живым. Смутные воспоминания ведут его к остальным звездным осколкам. Сможет ли он восстановить Великую Звезду и вернуть мир в эти земли?

Project Introduction

Fun top-down shooter with building mechanics, campaign, survival mode, upgrades and unlocks of new nature elements.


The Great Star is destroyed... The world was plunged into the darkness of despair and endless wars for the possession of the magical Starshards that fell to the ground after the Scarlet Starfall. But one of these shards turned out to be... alive! Vague memories lead him to the rest of the Starshards. Will he meet friends along the way? Will he be able to restore the Great Star and peace?

About Developer

My name is Alexey Sudarenkov and I am the developer of the Braveshard game.

This is my first game. It was interesting for me to independently go through all the stages of the development of the game from scratch and bring the game to release. And they turned out to be much more than I thought before (despite the fact that I worked with developers for quite a long time as a composer).

Game design, development of interfaces, graphics, animations, creation of objects for the game, visual effects, feedback on actions, texts, tips, translation (the game is available in English and Russian), sounds, music, cartoons (rather a storyboard) and plot, balance (be it damned), testing (thanks to my patient friends), tons of code. And, of course, a giant pile of scribbled papers and pieces of paper (A3 format rules).

I would like to find a job in a game studio and I hope that such experience will help me in finding it =)

P.S. Moscow