События игры разворачиваются в альтернативной реальности нашего времени, после глобальной катастрофы, в которой виноваты террористы. Главный герой смог перебороть лучевую болезнь и приобрел иммунитет от внешних источников заражения. Со временем обнаруживая способность развивать этот иммунитет, герой становится единственным кто может очистить зону заражения.
Project Introduction
The events of the game unfold in an alternative reality of our time, after a global catastrophe in which terrorists are to blame. The main character was able to overcome radiation sickness and acquired immunity from external sources of infection. Over time, discovering the ability to develop this immunity, the hero becomes the only one who can clear the infected area.
About Developer
The idea for the game originated about two years ago and was partially developed on Gameguru. As time went on, the game migrated to the Unreal Engine and through the twists and turns, and by the will of fate we found ourselves in the discord of the Gameportal.