Project Introduction
What is Unforetold: Witchstone?Unforetold: Witchstone is an RPG sandbox with a deep, reactive influence system that allows you to shape the fate of the world.
Actions Have Consequences: Kalsundia is alive. Its inhabitants act, and react, with purpose. They own properties, have unique personalities, befriend some, and make enemies of others. They have likes and dislikes, and can form an appreciation of – or disdain for – factions, individuals, and you. How you interact with them builds your bespoke world and tells your unique story.
Choices Shape Destiny: The consequences of your actions are both far-reaching and powerful. With each opportunity, you may sow the seeds of chaos, unite people against tyranny, become a conqueror and more. As choices are made, your influence spreads across the world and dynamically changes not only how you are perceived, but how people and factions perceive and interact with each other. Everything eventually culminates into one final fate for Kalsundia.
Comprehensive Customization: Unleash your creativity with deep character creation systems inspired by tabletop RPGs. Customize your appearance, abilities, and backstory.
Gather Your Party: Set out and recruit others in Kalsundia who align with your goals. Unlike most RPGs, there is no limitation to who you can recruit, but keep in mind that everyone has their own desires and might not be willing to do things that are against their nature.
Find Your Path: Roll for initiative and carefully plan your moves in a CRPG turn-based combat system where execution of precise tactics embolden you to emerge victorious from each battle. Or, embrace the art of subterfuge with our stealth systems, mastering the shadows to manipulate your surroundings and achieve your objectives undetected.
About Developer
For the past 9 years, one of the core missions of Spearhead Games is to create innovative video game narratives, to push and challenge the boundaries of player decision and agency. To do so, we've always looked outside of video games for inspiration, whether it's "choose your own adventure" books or murder mystery tabletop games. For Unforetold: Witchstone, we drew directly from one of our favorite group activities: tabletop RPGs. We wanted to create a video game where players had more choices available to them and would also be a tribute to older cRPGs. We hope you will enjoy our setting and characters, and have fun with the freedom to shape the world as you see fit.Proud team based from Montreal!